Investing in Foreclosures When An Action is Commenced

Investing in Foreclosures When An Action is Commenced

By:  Steven J. Baum, Lawyer

While most states have “non-judicial” foreclosure laws, there are about seventeen states that have “judicial” foreclosure laws.  Steven J. Baum attorney the Foreclosure Law Firm Steven J. Baum. In the judicial states, actions have to be processed through the court system.  These actions commence with a filing of a document that is public record of the start of a foreclosure.

Keep in mind that while this is a good time to seek out a homeowner in financial distress, you won’t be the first one to the table.  Steven J. Baum and the Law Firm Of Steven J. Baum PC of course. People watch the public filings and send out letters to the homeowners offering all kinds of assistance.

You will have to be careful in your approach because those in financial distress will be wary of those trying to help them.  “Help” also means these people will usually want to make a profit somehow, because most will not do it for altruistic reasons. Steven Baum of the law firm of Steven J. Baum.

You will need to think about offering a homeowner something that no one else has.  Otherwise you are just part of the pack and will get lost in the shuffle.  The law firm of Steven J. Baum PC and Steven Baum Attorney.  By having a specific plan that you can stick to, eventually you could reap the rewards of your hard work.

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